Sunday, March 15, 2009

Final Project

This project is turning out to be harder then I thought it would be. At first I was going to do disabilities and do down syndrome. That turned out to be a huge flop. I went to the local book stores and was disappointed with how much they actually had on disabilities. Then to even go further and be specific was even more difficult. It is just disappointing to me that I can not go into a book store and find books for disabilities. I can't imagine how the children or parents must feel when they go into a book store and can't find a book that fits what they are looking for. Therefore I had to change my subject to Cerebral Palsy. But it seemed like any book I picked up was either a self help book for a parent or the simplest form of a baby book to show you what a certain disability looks like. Also most of the books seemed to be about Autism as if it is a new fad. Yes the rate of children being diagnosed with this is going up but still doesn't mean that the rate of children having other disabilities has completely gone away. Another thing I found interesting was that the disability section was placed outside the children's area. Did they do this for a reason and if so that is really really sad.


  1. I think that the topic of disabilities is so interesting because it is something I don't really know much about, so I was also going to pick that as my final project topic. I am so surprised to hear that your local bookstore didn't have much information about down syndrome I feel like it is something relatively common in today's society! I have also noticed in the media and what not that Autism seems to be a fad as well, like it is suddenly something to pay attention to- as if it wasn't ever before! I can't wait to go into my local bookstore and compare my findings to yours!

  2. I can absolutely sympathize with how you're feeling. It is so disheartening to realize that in this day and age there is still such a discrepancy and lack of resources available concerning individuals with disabilities. Perhaps you could try looking at Everybody Reads? They seem very accepting of diverse literature and promote those containing unique topics and situations. Good Luck!

  3. Yes! I was going to focus on disabilities as well- and found it very difficult to find quality literature. The Autism 'fad' makes me wonder if more and more children are being diagnosed because they have the resources available to truly diagnose it- or if they are being diagnosed because it is a fad...
