Wednesday, January 28, 2009

South Park

On South Park there was an Indian Reservation that had a casino on it. There are a ton of stereotypes within this episode. I think it is funny how this is what we were talking about in class today and tonight on T.V. there was an episode on it. It is weird how when you really pay attention to what is actually in the shows that you are watching how much it can relate to what your learning in class. I notice that with a lot of things that I learn in school lately. I feel better about my education when I can really apply what I am learning to my life outside of school.

1 comment:

  1. Krysta! I watched that to! I am not a big fan of south park, but I feel the show is very funny, even though it sometimes comes at the price of certain people's faults. But anyways, I did see that and thought the exact same thing! I never really noticed all the stereotypes of multiculturalism until I took TE 348 and now TE 448, it is very interesting that we can relate thing we have learned and discussed in class to outside things.
