Thursday, February 5, 2009

Who decides what is the right thing to do.

What would you do? After thinking about things we have talked about in class I think we have to look at things from all angles. Tonight while watching television I was wondering what I would do if I were a big wig in the television industry. Would I make a movie or show that depicted certain stereotypes for humor by showing how the world sees each other or would I want to show what that true culture was like? Just think do you want to have a job or do you want to give someone a voice that would not? How does the media do both sides of this? You can watch the history channel or PBS which tend to show facts whether it is about a culture or person or other things. Yet the popular shows are the humor ones that show the stereotypes that we all know are wrong. Just like in class talking about the people from a culture being the only true authors of that culture. It is the same question with authors it is do you want to have to have an outsider come in to write your story just to have that authors name on it so it sells or do you write it yourself so you know exactly what is getting written. I am not sure where I stand on any of this because I just do not know what is the "right" thing to do.


  1. I think you bring up a really good question here. I wonder what I would do if I were part of a publishing company. I feel like there is so much pressure on companies to produce "books that will sell" that they don't even care about whether they're accurate or not. It's really hard to think about because no matter how important it is to us as teachers, someone is always in it for their job--they've got to make money and if the "factual" stuff doesn't make the money, then it's not going to get published. It's really sad, but true. I wonder how to fix this. Maybe I should have just wrote a blog of my own about this instead of a novel on your comments! Good topic.

  2. I also think that you bring up a good point about the whole television and movie industry. I think there are a lot of people out there who are "money hungry" and only care about having their tv show or movie number one. They only think about what is going to sell and for the most part when something does sell, they just repeat that same format...thats where the problem lies. The media industry might not change but hope for teaching are students about different cultures is still there. I think we just need to be more creative and look harder for books that do portray cultures the right way.
